Scope & Background

  • Scope of LIP conferences
  • LIP2024: flyer and posters
  • Previous LIP, OPC & OPS conferences...
The 14th international conference series on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP) - Optical Particle Characterization follow-up ! is organized by Xidian University  on September 18th-22nd, 2024, in Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.
The conference is focused on interactions between laser beams and particles, from theory to practice (download the flyer), encompassing in particular the following fundamental and applied topics :
- Beam shape description of laser/electromagnetic wave.
- Optical forces and other mechanical effects of light/laser/electromagnetic wave.
- Light/laser/electromagnetic scattering of complex particles and aggregates.
- Optical particle sizing and characterization methods.
- Light/electromagnetic wave propagation in complex media.
- Optical imaging with structured illumination (tissue, particles,…).
- AI-assisted analysis in light/electromagnetic scattering.
- Related applications in biology and biomedicine.
- Related applications in multiphase flow, aerosol science and atmospheric environment.
- Related applications nanoscience, plasma and soft matter physics.
Although the conference is mainly intended to deal with light/laser/electromagnetic wave, papers dealing with acoustical and quantum beams (scalar waves) relating with the topics of the conference are welcomed.

Download the flyer and posters of the conference LIP2024:
Flyer (A4-format)
Poster (A4-format)
Poster (A2-format)
flyer Poster (A2-format) poster A2
This conference series has been continually providing forums for promoting the interchange of new ideas on the development of advanced theories and models, as well as the latest experimental developments. Since nearly four decades this series, whose topics are continuously evolving, provides a source of state-of-the-art in light and shaped beam interactions with particle and particle systems. The present edition follows the former Optical Particle Sizing (OPS) and Optical Particle Characterization (OPC) conferences held in Rouen 1987; Tempe, AZ, 1990; Yokohama, 1993; Nürnberg, 1995; Minneapolis,MN,1998; Brighton, 2001; Kyoto, 2004; Graz, 2007 as well as the reformulated LIP conference, held in Rouen in 2012; Marseille, 2014; Xi'an 西安市, 2016, College Station, TX, 2018, and Warsaw in 2022.  (The 13th conference was postponed to 2022 due to the covid-19 pandemic, but the special issue was maintained! )
Find detailed information (and papers) on the previous websites of LIP conferences :
LIP2012 LIP2014 LIP2016 LIP2018 LIP2024

Over the years, selected papers from this conference series were published in books and special issues of highly ranked journals (Applied Optics, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer), e.g.
OPS1987 OPS1991 OPC1996 LIP2014 LIP2018

Committees, sponsors & partners

  • Scientific Committee
  • Advisory committee
  • Organizing committee
  • Hosts, partners & sponsors
    - L.A. Ambrosio, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, USP, Brazil
    - X.S. Cai, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
    - G. Gouesbet, CORIA, National Institute of Applied Sciences, Rouen, France
    - D. Grier, Depart. of Physics and Center for Soft Matter Research, New-York University, NY, USA.
    - Y.P. Han, School of Physics, Xidian University, Xidian, China
    - J.A. Lock, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA.
    - P.L. Marston , Depart. Physics & Astronomy, Washington State University, Pullman, USA
    - F.R.A. Onofri, IUSTI, National Center for Scientific Research, Marseille, France
    - K. F. Ren, Optics & Lasers, CORIA, Normandy University, Rouen, France
    - G. Videen, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, USA
    - J.J. Wang, School of Physics, Xidian University, Xidian, China
    - T. Wriedt, ITW, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
    - P. Yang, Dept. Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
    - M. Yurkin, CORIA, University of Rouen Normandy, Rouen, France
    - Y. Aizu, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Japan
    - M. Berg, Kansas State University, USP, Manhattan, KS, USA
    - P. Briard, School of Physics, Xidian University, Xidian, China
    - M. Brunel, Laser/particle(s) interaction, CORIA, Normandy University, Rouen, France
    - Y.E. Geints, Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
    - D. Jakubczyk, Institut of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
    - F. Lamadie, Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission, Marcoule, France
    - R. Li, School of Physics, Xidian University, Xidian, China
    - I. V. Minin,Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk,Russia
    - O. Maragò, IPCF, National Research Council, Messina, Italy
    - F. G. Mitri, Schlumberger–Doll Research Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
    - A.A.R. Neves, Federal University of ABC, Santo André, Brazil
    - T. Nieminen , Dept. of Physics, University of QueenslandBrisbane, Australia
    - H.-H. Qiu, Dept. Mech. Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    - M. Šiler, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
    - X.M. Sun, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, China
    - M.R. Vetrano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
    - S. Will, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, LTT, Erlangen, Germany
    - Y. Wu, State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
    - F. Xu, The University of Oklahoma National Weather Center, Norman, USA
    - L. Guo, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - Y. Han, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - F. Onofri, IUSTI, CNRS, Marseille France
    - G. Gouesbet, CORIA, INSA de Rouen, Saint-Etienne du Rouvray, France

    Conference co-chairs  

    - L. Guo, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - Y. Han, School of Physics, Xidian University, China

    Organizing Committee  

    - H. Zhou, Vice Dean of School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - B. Wei, Vice-Dean of School of Physics, Xidian - University, China
    - X. Han, Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - L. Bai, Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - P. Gao, Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - J. Li , Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - T. Guo, Director of Division of International Cooperation and Exchange, Xidian University, China
    - Z. Cui, A/Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - P. Briard, A/Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - K. Lin, A/Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - H. Li, A/Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - Z. Li, A/Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China

    Conference secretaries  
    - J. Wang,A/Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - R. Li,A/Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - M. Cheng, A/Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China
    - Q. Duan,A/Professor, School of Physics, Xidian University, China

Keynote lectures

  • Speaker 1
  • Speaker 2
  • Speaker 3
  • Speaker 4
  • Speaker 5
  • Speaker 6
  • Speaker 7
  • Speaker 8
In preparation
Speaker 1
Vadim Markel
Vadim Markel earned an undergraduate degree in Physics with specialization in Quantum Optics from Novosibirsk State University in 1987. From 1987 through 1993, he worked at the Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducting research in nonlinear and statistical optics. He received PhD in Physics (Optics) from New Mexico State University in 1996 and continued with postdoctoral studies in quantum many-body theory at the University of Georgia (1998-1999) and in inverse problems and imaging at the Washington University – St. Louis (1999-2001). He is currently an Associate Professor of Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Markel has spent two years (2015-2017) as an A*MIDEX Excellence Chair at the University of Aix-Marseille and Institut Fresnel in France and a year (2018-2019) as a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan. He was selected as an Outstanding Referee by the APS (2016) and by the IoP (2018). Dr. Markel’s research spans optical physics and electromagnetic theory with applications to photonics and biomedical imaging.
“Electromagnetic Forces in Continuous Media”
Electromagnetic forces acting on continuous media has been subject to much research and controversy. At the root of all difficulties is the fact that the expression for the Lorentz force does not contain a magnetic moment directly. Therefore, when computing the force acting on magnetized matter, one needs a model for magnetization (either Amperian current loops or displacement of imaginary magnetic monopoles). The two models result in two different force densities, but the differences are subtle. In spite of some claims to the contrary, both expressions are consistent with the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. However, a more delicate question is whether the correct form of electromagnetic force density can be established by the so-called Balazs thought experiment, which examines the motion of the center of energy of the system ``electromagnetic pulse + object''. I will show that a careful analysis of the experiment reveals that both models for the force density are consistent with linear motion of the center of energy, which is expected or any closed system. Consequently, the model in which magnetization is represented by Amperian current loops is fully consistent with all conservation laws, and one can abandon the model of magnetic monopoles, which have not been observed in nature. This conclusion has also an implication for the form of the Poynting vector in magnetized media
Speaker 2
Maxim A. Yurkin
Maxim A. Yurkin received his BS and MS degrees in physics from the Novosibirsk State University (NSU) with honors (2002, 2004), and dual PhD in computer science and biophysics from the University of Amsterdam and Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion (ICKC, Novosibirsk), respectively (2007). Currently, he is a CNRS researcher (Chair of Excellence by Normandy Region) at CORIA, University of Rouen Normandy. His research interests include the theory and simulations of electromagnetic scattering, the discrete dipole approximation (DDA), and inverse light-scattering problems. Specifically, he has made multiple important contributions to the theory and numerical efficiency of the DDA, and is the main developer of the open-source ADDA code. He received inaugural Young Scientist’s Award in electromagnetic and light scattering from Elsevier (2007) and two Prizes of the Academia Europaea for Russian young scientists (2010, 2016).
The discrete dipole approximation for light-scattering simulations
Light scattering is widely used in remote sensing of various objects ranging from metal nanoparticles and macromolecules to atmospheric aerosols and interstellar dust, being in some cases the only available approach to characterize their geometric or optical properties. All these applications require accurate simulations, which are not trivial for particles of arbitrary shape and internal structure. The discrete dipole approximation (DDA) is one of the general methods to handle such problems. In this talk I will start with an introduction to the DDA, including both the basic underlying physical picture and rigorous derivation starting from the integral form of Maxwell’s equation for the electric field. The latter shows that the DDA is a numerically exact method and a special case of volume-discretization method of moments. Importantly, the DDA applies to almost any electromagnetic problem involving non-magnetic particles. It can handle arbitrary shaped beams, particles in complicated environments (e.g., on a multi-layered substrate), and simulate a broad range of quasi-classical electromagnetic phenomena (such as emission enhancement, near-field radiative heat transfer, and electron energy-loss spectroscopy). I will also discuss computational aspects, including the latest efficiency improvements, and the existing open-source DDA codes that largely explain the method’s popularity. Finally, I will highlight current capabilities and limitations (open questions) of the DDA.
Speaker 3
Oleg V. Minin
Oleg V. Minin, received M.S. in Physics, Novosibirsk State University, Russia (1982) and the Ph.D. degree in radio-physics including quantum physics from the Institute of Atmosphere Optics, Tomsk, Russia, in 1986 and the D.Sc. degree (Hub.) in optics and microwave antennas from the Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia, in 2004. He is the coauthor of 8 books including Diffractive optics of millimeter waves (IOP Publisher, London, 2004), Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays (Springer, 2008), Diffractive Optics and Nanophotonics: Resolution below the Diffraction Limit (Springer, 2016), and The Photonic Hook: From Optics to Acoustics and Plasmonics (Springer, 2021) etc. He has co-authored more than 300 technical papers in international journals and conference proceedings and holds more than 150 patents. He is a member of SPIE. Prof. Minin was awarded several international diplomas and commendations including Defense Ministry of Russia. He is the editorial member of several international journals, expert of the RSF and Russian Academy of Science. Prof. Minin is a Federal expert of Russian government scientific found. His current research interests include mesoscale photonics (Meso-tronix), electromagnetic scattering, subwavelength resolution methods, numerical experiments and e-learning activities. For more detail, please visit to

Igor V. Minin
Igor V. Minin, received M.S. in Physics, Novosibirsk State University, Russia (1982) and the Ph.D. degree in radio-physics including quantum physics from the Leningrad Electro-Technical University, Russia, in 1986 and the D.Sc. degree (Hub.) in calculation experiment technology and microwave antennas from the Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia, in 2004. He is the coauthor of 8 books including Diffractive optics of millimeter waves ( IOP Publisher, London, 2004), Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays (Springer, 2008), Diffractive Optics and Nanophotonics: Resolution below the Diffraction Limit (Springer, 2016), and The Photonic Hook: From Optics to Acoustics and Plasmonics (Springer, 2021) etc. He has co-authored more than 300 technical papers in international journals and conference proceedings and holds more than 150 patents. He is a member of SPIE. Prof. Minin was awarded several international diplomas and commendations including Defense Ministry of Russia. He is the editorial member of several international journals, expert of the RSF and Russian Academy of Science. Prof. Minin is a Federal expert of Russian government scientific found. His current research interests include mesoscale photonics (Meso-tronix), electromagnetic scattering, subwavelength resolution methods, numerical experiments and e-learning activities. For more detail, please visit to
Mie Siperresonance: The Discovery That Was Not Done More Than One Hundred Years Ago
The Lorenz–Mie theory describing light scattering by spherical particles was created in 1908. Nevertheless, most of the discoveries made during the last 30 years (e.g., photon jets, Fano resonance, optical anapoles, optical vortices, and acoustic jets) can be described within the framework of this theory. They were “encoded” in the Lorenz–Mie formulas and were just waiting for someone to decipher them. The article briefly discusses a new effect—the superresonance (and the accompanying Fano resonance of an extremely high order) in dielectric mesoscale spheres. Superresonance allows to generate magnetic fields with giant intensity at “hot points” (poles) of a dielectric sphere. This effect also can be explained using the Lorenz–Mie theory. However, this effect remained hidden inside the exact solution of this theory for almost 120 years!
Speaker 4
Jianqi Shen
Prof. Jianqi Shen got his doctor degree from university of Shanghai for Science and Technology in 1999 and 4 years late he got his second doctor degree in Brandenburg university of Cottbus. Now he is working in university of Shanghai for Science and Technology. He is on the board of Chinese Society of Particuology. His research interest covers particle size analysis and electromagnetic scattering.
“Make the beam shape coefficient evaluation easy by using scalar spherical wave expansion and addition theorem”
The calculation of beam shape coefficients (BSCs) is crucial in investigating the interaction between shaped beams and spherical particles. Different techniques have been developed in the framework of generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT). Even though, it is still hard in formulating the analytical expressions of the BSCs, especially for off-axis located beams, and also in coding. In some circumstances numerical computation for the BSCs is time-consuming. The work presents an indirect method for formulating and evaluating the BSCs. Based on the spherical wave expansion of scalar functions and the addition theorem, the indirect method simplifies the analytical work and speeds up the BSC computation.
Speaker 5
Fabrice Onofri
Fabrice Onofri is a research director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). His research mainly focuses on the optical and electromagnetic characterization of particle and particle systems. Over the years, his research has found applications in various fields ranging from aerosols and multiphase flows, to soft matter and plasma physics, in the frame of national and international projects as well as industrial granted projects. He earned his Ph.D. degree at the University of Rouen and his habilitation degree at Aix-Marseille University, France..
Fabrice R.A. Onofri, Lilian Chabrol

Digital In-Line Holography is a highly attractive optical method for the simultaneous determination of the three dimensional positions and velocities, the shape and size of particles (drops, bubbles, bacteria, etc.) dispersed in a fluid. In this keynote, after a summary of the basics of the DIH, the authors review their latest contributions to further enhance its capabilities, and most notably on the asymptotic modelling and understanding of hologram formation, refractive index measurements and reduction of the sensor filling rate.
Speaker 6
Baoli Yao
Prof. Dr. Baoli Yao received the B.S. degree in Applied Physics at Xi'an Jiaotong University, China in 1990, and the Ph.D. degree in Optics at Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM), CAS in 1997. He pursued the postdoc at Institute for Physical Chemistry, Technical University of Munich, Germany during 1997-1998. He obtained the professorship at XIOPM in 1999. He is a senior member of OSA, and the director of State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, China. His research fields include: super-resolution and 3D optical microscopy, digital holographic microscopy, imaging through scattering medium, optical micro-manipulation and photomechanics. He has published more than 330 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 7 book’s chapters, and owned 25China & 1 US invention patents. He obtained the High-speed Imaging Award of Japan in 2015.
Optical forces and torques in structured light
The discovery of novel optical forces and torques has triggered the revolution in optical manipulation. The birth of this subject is marked by the observation of radiation pressure in 1901, which was subsequently used for atom cooling, awarded a Nobel Prize for Chu, Cohen-Tannoudki & Phillips in 1997. The finding of gradient force directly led to the advent of optical tweezers, which earned Ashkin a share of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics. Recent progress concerning the discovery of curl force and nontrivial optomechanical manifestations, including the negative optical forces and lateral optical forces, has breathed new life into this flourishing subject. In this talk, we report the observation of a novel type of optical force, which originates from the imaginary Poynting momentum of light. We will also uncover the existence of optical gradient and curl torques, which represent the rotational analogs of the gradient and curl forces. By utilizing the two fundamental torque components and sculpting light fields, we achieved the negative optical torques and the lateral optical torques. This work highlights an important and previously overlooked connection among optomechanics, light structure and Mie-tronics, and is expected to have far-reaching consequences in life science, modern physics and nanotechnology.
Speaker 7
Peng Gao
Prof. Dr. Peng Gao, studied Physics and received his Ph.D. at the Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM), CAS, in 2011. He was a “Humboldt Fellow” in University Stuttgart (2012-2014) and Marie-Curie Fellow (IEF) in KIT (2014-2018). He is currently a PI at Xidian University and the director of Super-resolution Optical Microscopy Engineering Research Center at Xi’ an city. His group focuses on developing super-resolution optical microscopy and quantitative phase microscopy techniques for biology. So far, he has authored over 100 peer-reviewed papers published in journals, including Nat. Photonics, Adv. Opt. Photon. Some of his publications were highlighted by tens of international media, such as Science Daily, Physics News, and so on. He is currently one of the associate editors of Optics and Laser Technology (OLT) and Frontiers in Physics.
Super-resolution Fluorescence and Quantitative Phase Microscopy Visualize Live Cells in 3D
Optical three-dimensional (3D) microscopy is of great importance in many fields, especially in biology. Due to the transparency of biological samples (such as biological cells) under visible light, optical 3D microscopy is often implemented with fluorescence imaging, phase contrast imaging, or other nonlinear processes to enhance the contrast of intracellular structures. In this talk, two 3D optical microscopic technique, namely, sparse scanning structured illumination microscopy (SS-SIM) and quantitative phase contrast tomography (QPCT), will be presented.
In SS-SIM, structured patterns of different orientations and different phase shifts are generated by resonantly scanning a focused light and modulating its intensity sinusoidally. As a consequence, super-resolution and optical-sectioned fluorescence imaging with a penetration depth of ~300 micrometers can be performed, implying a great potential for deep tissue imaging. In QPCT, 24 LEDs distributed on a ring are lighted up one by one sequentially to generate oblique illuminations at different angles, and quantitative phase contrast imaging for each illumination is carried out by retardering the dc term for four different phase shifts with an ultra-fast SLM. A 3D tomographic phase map is reconstructed from the complex amplitudes obtained at different illumination angles. Both the SS-SIM and QPCT were utilized to obtain 3D subcellular organelles inside live COS7 cells. The comparison of the two imaging modalities tells that SS-SIM enables visualization of specific subcellular organelles in virtue of fluorescence tagging. While, QPCT can visualize up to ten types of subcellular organelles once for all, for that nearly all the subcellular organelles have different refractive index above the cytosol. The combination of the 3D fluorescence and phase images provide complementary information for the same sample, contributing to revealing the mechanisms of many life events.

Speaker 7
Alexander G. Ramm
Alexander G. Ramm was born in Russia, emigrated to USA in 1979 and is a US citizen. He is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics with broad interests in analysis, scattering theory, inverse problems, theoretical physics, engineering, signal estimation, tomography, theoretical numerical analysis and applied mathematics. He is an author of 725 research papers, 23 research monographs and an editor of 3 books. He has lectured at many Universities throughout the world, gave more than 155 invited and plenary talks at various Conferences and had supervised 11 Ph.D students. He was Fulbright Research Professor in Israel and Ukraine; distinguished isiting professor in Mexico and Egypt; Mercator Professor in Germany; Research Professor in France; invited plenary speaker at the 7-th PACOM; he won Khwarizmi international award in 2004 and received other honors.
A.G.Ramm was the first to prove uniqueness of the solution to inverse scattering problems with fixed-energy scattering data; the first to prove uniqueness of the solution to inverse scattering problems with non-over-determined scattering data and the first to study inverse scattering problems with under-determined scattering data. He studied inverse scattering problems for potential scattering ad for scattering by obstacles. He solved many specific inverse problems and developed new methods and ideas in the area of inverse scattering problems. He introduced the notion of Property C for a pair of diffierential operators and applied Property C for one-dimensional and multi-dimensional inverse scattering problems.
A. G. Ramm solved many-body wave scattering problem when the bodies are small particles of arbitrary shapes, assuming that a much less than d and d is much less that λ, where a is the characteristic size of the particles, d is the minimal distance between neighboring particles, and λ is the wavelength in the material in which the small particles are embedded. Multiple scattering is essential under these assumptions. He used this theory to give a theory for creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient and materials with a desired wave-focusing property. A. G. Ramm gave a recipe for creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient. These results attracted attention of the scientists working in nanotechnology.
A. G. Ramm gave formulas for the scattering amplitude for scalar and electromagnetic waves by small bodies of arbitrary shapes and analytical formulas for the polarizability tensors for these bodies.
A. G. Ramm gave a solution to the Pompeiu problem, proved the Schifier's conjecture and gave many results about symmetry problems for PDE, including first symmetry results in harmonic analysis.
A. G. Ramm has developed the Dynamical Systems Method (DSM) for solving linear and nonlinear operator equations, especially ill-posed. These results were used numerically and demonstrated practical efficiency of the DSM.
A. G. Ramm developed random fields estimation theory for a wide class of random fields.
A. G. Ramm has developed a theory of convolution equations with hyper-singular integrals and solved analytically integral equations with hyper-singular kernels. These results he applied to the study of the NSP (Navier-Stokes problem). As a result, he solved the millennium problem concerning the Navier-Stokes equations. A. G. Ramm formulated and proved the NSP paradox which shows the contradictory nature of the NSP and the non-existence of its solution on the interval t∈[0,∞) for the initial data v0(x) 6≠ 0 and f(x, t) = 0.
A. G. Ramm has introduced a wide class of domains with non-compact boundaries. He studied the spectral properties of the Schrodinger operators in this class of such domains and gave suffient conditions for the absence of eigenvalues on the continuous spectrum of these operators.
A. G. Ramm developed the theory of local, pseudolocal and geometrical tomography. He has proved a variety of the results concerning singularities of the Radon transform and developed multidimensional algorithms for finding discontinuities of signals from noisy discrete data.

Wave scattering by many small particles,creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient and other applications
The theory of wave scattering by many small impedance particles of arbitrary shapes is developed. The basic assumptions are: a ≪ d ≪λ, where a is the characteristic size of particles, d is the smallest distance between the neighboring particles,λis the wavelength.
This theory allows one to give a recipe for creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient.
One can create material with negative refraction: the group velocity in this material is directed opposite to the phase velocity.
One can create a material with a desired wave focusing property.
Quantum-mechanical scattering by many potentials with small supports is considered.
Equation is derived for the EM field in the medium in which many small impedance particles are embedded.
Similar results are obtained in [6] for heat transfer in the media in which many small particles are distributed.
The theory presented in this talk is developed in the author's monographs [1], [7], [9], [12] and in papers [2]-[6], [8], [10], [11].
Practical realizations of this theory are discussed in [9].
In [9] the problem of creating material with a desired refraction coefficient is discussed in the case when the material is located inside a bounded closed connected surface on which the Dirichlet boundary condition is imposed.
You can download the PDF version of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH and ABSTRACT


  • Program & book
  • Wednesday, 18th
  • Thursday, 19th
  • Friday, 20th
  • Saturday, 21th
  • Sunday, 22th
Not yet available
Program has been updated, and please click on the link below to download the newer version:

Program (download)

The schedule is also ready for downloading, and please click on the link below to download:

Schedule (download)

1. If there is any problem in the Program, please contact us: or

2. Program may be updated at any time, please pay attention to our website.
Available in due time.
Available in due time.
Available in due time.
Available in due time.
Available in due time.

Instructions to Authors

  • Presentations
  • Procedure & deadlines
  • Submit an abstract
  • Special issue papers: JQRST
Three formats are scheduled for oral presentations (in-person or remote participation):
  • Keynote lectures (invited talks of 40 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions, in-person or remote),
  • Regular presentations (20 minutes of presentation plus 5 minutes for questions, in-person or remote)
  • Posters (special session with a best poster award, remote only, via the conference website)
For both oral and poster presentations (in-person or remote), authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of at least 1000 words and with a maximum of three pages, including supporting figures and references as appropriate. As there is necessarily a limited number of oral presentations, the scientific committee will make the final decision on the presentation format on the basis of two independent reviews plus the authors wish. At least one of the authors is required to register for the conference and the same person may only present a maximum of two oral presentations (no limit on the posters). All selected contributions will be published in the proceedings of the conference.
It is mandatory to use this MS-Word template (download) to prepare the extended abstract as there will be no real typesetting process. Fill also this MS-Excel sheet (download) to depict the abstract contains, the preferred presentation format and session, the authors affiliations,... All these data will be used for the review process as well to build the conference program and the list of participants. When ready, send these two files by email to the conference secretary: or 
  • Abstract submission opens ................... May 1st, 2023
  • Abstract submission ends...................... July 31st, 2024
  • Notification of abstract acceptance........ May 20th, 2024
Simply send by email your extended abstract (MS-Word file plus a pdf, download MS-Word template here) and the related  information (Excel file, download MS-Excel sheet here) to the conference secretariat ( or )
Following the highly successful special issues previously published in the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (JQSRT) [2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022]   we will solicit papers for a LIP2024 Special Issue that you will want your state-of-the-art research to become part of yet another benchmark collection of papers on light and shaped beam interactions with particles and particle systems. This Special Issue will consist only of full-size papers documenting research either reported at the conference or pertaining to the main topics of LIP conferences.  Each submission will be thoroughly reviewed by at least two independent referees to ensure that all accepted manuscripts satisfy the highest standards of scientific quality adopted for JQSRT.  To expedite the communication of your research results to the scientific community, each paper will be officially published (including year, volume, and page numbers) as soon as it has been accepted, typeset, and proof-read. In other words, the authors of accepted manuscripts will see their papers officially published without having to wait for the rest of the manuscripts to get accepted. This accelerated publication protocol is a recent improvement in the JQSRT production process.
  • Gate will open:  July 1st, 2024
  • Code of the special issue: LIP2024/ Select as the Editor-in-Chief: Ping Yang
  • Guest editors: Gérard Gouesbet, Fabrice Onofri*, Han Yiping,  Guo Lixin.
*also managing editor


  • Important dates
  • Registration fees & payment

  • Abstract submission opens ................... May 1st, 2023
  • Abstract submission ends...................... July 31st, 2024
  • Notification of abstract acceptance........ May 20th, 2024
  • Early registration opens......................... May 20th, 2024
  • Late registration after............................. August 1st, 2024

In-person participation: there are 3 categories for the registration fees (in USD or Yuan, all taxes included) and they depend whether it is an early or / late registration:
  • Student (Master, Ph.D)(1,2).....: 240 USD;  1700 Yuan
  • Academic & industry(1,2)........: 400 USD;  2800 Yuan
  • Accompanying person(1,3).....: 150 USD;  1000 Yuan
(1) Registrations cancelled before July 22th, 2024, will be refunded 50% of the registration fees. Registrations cancelled after this date will not be eligible for a refund.
(2) Academic/industry/student registration fee includes: the Conference attendance, book of the conference abstracts and other common conference materials, lunches and coffee breaks mentioned on the program, LIP 2024 excursion, welcome reception and social dinner.
(3) Accompanying person registration fee includes: lunches mentioned on the program, LIP 2024 excursion, welcome reception and social dinner.


The registration fee can be paid by:

1. By Alipay (支付宝):

2. Bank transfer:

For abroad:
Xidian University Bank Account Information:
Bank Name: Bank of Communications Xian Branch
Bank Address: #51, Guanghua Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.710071
Account Name:Xidian University
Account Number: 611301135018000478803



  • Conference venue
  • Transportation
  • Accommodation
  • About the city and the region

The conference venue is the Xi'an Yohol Hotel , No. 180 Western Part of the South Second Ring Road, Xi'an, China.
  • Xi'an Yohol Hotel
  • Xi'an Yohol Hotel
  • Xi'an Yohol Hotel
  • Xi'an Yohol Hotel
From Xi'an Xianyang International Airport (咸阳国际机场-西安悦豪酒店)
1. Tax: (it takes around 45 minutes) Fee: around 100 Yuan
2. Subway : Starting from Line 14, transfer at Xi’an North Station(西安北站) to Line 2, then transfer at NanShaoMen Station(南稍门站) to Line 5, Stop at FengQingGongYuan Station(丰庆公园站),walking about 850 meters to Xi'an Yohol Hotel

Xi'an North Station (西安北站)
1. Tax: (it takes around 40 minutes) Fee: around 50 Yuan
2. Subway: Starting from Line 2, then transfer at NanShaoMen Station(南稍门站) to Line 5, Stop at FengQingGongYuan Station(丰庆公园站),walking about 850 meters to Xi'an Yohol Hotel
Xi'an Station (西安站)
1. Tax: (it takes around 15 minutes) Fee: around 25 Yuan
2. Subway: Starting from Line 4, then transfer at XianJianZhouKeJiDaXue Station(西安建筑科技大学门站) to Line 5, Stop at FengQingGongYuan Station(丰庆公园站),walking about 850 meters to Xi'an Yohol Hotel
3. Bus: line 2, 216, 28, 608, or 201 to NanErHuanTaoYuanLu station (南二环桃园路站)

Xi'an Yohol Hotel (西安悦豪酒店)
Xi'an Yohol Hotel is located in Xi'an High-tech Industrial Development Zone with convenient transportation. Xi'an Yohol Hotel is a 30-meter high international business hotel built by Western Investment Group Co. It is elegantly decorated, tastefully furnished and fully equipped with service facilities. The Genting Buffet Western Restaurant on the top floor and the Western-style luxury banquet rooms are unique with exotic European style, and the famous chefs are specially hired to cook and make French feast, Brazilian barbecue, sashimi and sushi, Chinese and Western-style pasta and other delicious dishes for you on the spot. Shengji Restaurant on the 2nd-4th floors of the hotel specializes in Hunan, Hubei and Cantonese cuisine, and has 24 luxury VIP rooms. The conference center of Xi'an Yohol Hotel has a large multi-functional conference hall with a capacity of 240 people and 4 medium-sized and small conference rooms of different sizes, as well as a meeting and reception hall. The hotel is equipped with swimming pool, gymnasium, table tennis room and SPA health center, which is an excellent place for your leisure and health after business. The hotel provides 24-hour concierge service, vehicle ental, car transfer, baggage transportation, luggage storage, mail delivery, etc. Whether you are a busy businessman or a leisure vacation traveler, this will be your ideal place to stay..
  • Xi'an Yuehao hotel
  • Xi'an Yuehao hotel
  • Xi'an Yuehao hotel
  • Xi'an Yuehao hotel
  • Xi'an Yuehao hotel
  • Xi'an Yuehao hotel
  • Xi'an Yuehao hotel
  • Xi'an Yuehao hotel
  • 地址/Address:
         No. 180 Western Part of the South Second Ring Road, Xi'an

  • 酒店协议价/special discounts: 350元/ 350RMB

  • 联系人/Contact:
         Laling Li(TEL:15802919326,

  • 预订房间请直接联系李女士/Please contact Miss Li for booking rooms.
    About the city
    Xi’an is the capital of Shaanxi province, located in the southern part of the Guanzhong Plain. With the Qinling Mountains to the north and the Weihe River to the south, it is in a favorable geographical location surrounded by water and hills. It has a semi-moist monsoon climate and there is a clear distinction between the four seasons. Except the colder winter, any season is relatively suitable for traveling.
    Called Chang’an in ancient times, Xi’an is one of the birthplaces of the ancient civilization in the Yellow River Basin area of the country. During Xi’an’s 3,100 year development, 13 dynasties such as Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang placed their capitals here. So far, Xi’an enjoys equal fame with Athens, Cairo, and Rome as one of the four major ancient civilization capitals.
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an
    • Xi'an

    Xi'an attractions : The Museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses, Xi'an City Wall (Chengqiang), Muslim Quarter, Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayanta), Shaanxi History Museum, Dayan Pagoda Northern Square, Drum Tower (Gulou), Forest of Stone Steles Museum, Xi'an Bell Tower, Tomb of Emperor Jingdi (Hanyangling), Tang Bo Art Museum, Huaqing Palace, Xi'an Museum, Xi'an Mosque, Tang Paradise, Xi'an Qujiangchi Site Park, Guangren Temple, Small Goose Pagoda, Qing Long Si, Cuihua Mountain read more


    • Secretariat of the Conference
    • Images & photos credits
    • Last update
    Jiajie Wang
    School of Physics, Xidian University
    No.2, South TaiBai Road, 710071,
    Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China
    Mobile: (+86)13992831154
    Renxian LI
    School of Physics, Xidian University
    No.2, South TaiBai Road, 710071,
    Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China
    Tel: (+86) 2988469165
    Mingjian CHENG
    School of Physics, Xidian University
    No.2, South TaiBai Road, 710071,
    Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China
    Qinwei DUAN
    School of Physics, Xidian University
    No.2, South TaiBai Road, 710071,
    Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China
    Contact email for the conference: or 
    Photographic credits:  L. Ambrosio, D. Jakubczyk, L. Méès, F. Onofri, K.F. Ren & B. Pouligny.
